Monday, July 2, 2007

Chocolate and wine

A German study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, claims that a piece of dark chocolate a day seems to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. An Italian study, published in the American Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry concluded that a regular glass of wine can help put off tooth decay and can kill bacteria that cause upper respiratory tract infections. Finally, a piece of good news: a glass of wine and a piece of chocolate are good for health. Of course, the wise doctors hasten to add: when consumed in moderate quantities, such as one glass of wine and one piece of chocolate a day... (The Wall Street Journal: Study Suggests Dark Chocolate Can Decrease Blood Pressure)

Well, drinking 10 bottles of wine and eating 10 kilograms of chocolate a day can indeed never be good, you don't need to be a doctor to understand this. But what about a bar of chocolate and a bottle of wine? Is that excessive? Too much? Yes, the doctors say, we do not recommend that. But have they ever conducted experiments to prove it. Perhaps they have stuffed some monkeys full of wine and chocolate, but certainly no humans, because they wouldn't want to harm their health, even if they have not yet obtained any proof that it is harmful.

If eating chocolate and drinking wine is indeed healthy, we shouldn't be too scroungy. Go for that bar of chocolate and that bottle of wine and help the doctors proof their point.

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