Saturday, March 3, 2007

Dumped among the rats

Those who returned from Afghanistan and Iraq to the U.S. in body bags were kind of lucky. They didn't have to suffer any longer, they already paid the highest price for their crime of aggression. Those who returned maimed or wounded were less lucky. Many were dumped in rat and cockroach infested rooms at Washington's Walter Reed Army Medical Center. They were no longer useful for America's next aggressive war and so they were left to rot.

They should have been cared for, convicted and put in prison for their war crimes. Following orders, the orders of War-Criminal-in-Chief George W. Bush, is no excuse. They made a grave mistake, they committed a crime, but they are still to be treated with human dignity so they may come to the conclusion they were wrong, henceforth oppose the Bush dictatorship and work for world peace.

To the leaders in the Pentagon, they were only discarded rubbish, locked up in rodent-infested rooms, left to die because they are no longer useful to the Empire. That's how the Empire treats its useless Stormtroopers.

The commander of Walter Reed resigned, the secretary of the army resigned and Bush is shedding crocodile tears. What an appalling tragedy...

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