Saturday, April 7, 2007

American provocations

A Russian security analyst predicted that the U.S. would attack Iran on April 6. Well, it hasn't happened... yet! Putting a date on these kinds of things is not clever, unless you have a crystal ball. But it doesn't mean it won't happen and it doesn't mean it couldn't have happened.

+ If the 15 British military personnel would have been American, it is very likely there would have been casualties and the U.S. Air Force would have been bombing Tehran by now.

+ The U.S. offered the British to launch aggressive combat patrols over Iranian Republican Guards bases. This could have led to the downing of an American fighter jet, exactly what the war mongers in the White House and the Pentagon were hoping for, to have an excuse to launch the long-planned attack on Iran. (The Guardian: Americans offered 'aggressive patrols' in Iranian airspace) The British told the Americans to stay out of it.

+ The U.S. is angry because Iran is so called “interfering in Iraq” (what exactly are the U.S. doing there anyway?). But the CIA is actively supporting a Baluchi group (which should be called “terrorist” but is not, because it is helping the U.S.) called Jundullah to carry out raids inside Iran. This could easily lead to a confrontation. (ABC News: ABC News Exclusive: The Secret War Against Iran)

The U.S. might still find an excuse to launch an attack on Iran, this month, in May or in June... Who knows? There are already two aircraft carrier battle groups ready to strike and there is a third on the way. They are not fishing for tuna.

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