Friday, April 20, 2007

Linux spirng time

It's spring time again for Linux distributions. In the past few days, Mandriva released its 2007.1 Spring edition, Ubuntu 7.04 appeared on the servers and Linux Mint 2.2 joined the fray to conquer the "hearts and minds" of the Linux crowd. A new release of Fedora is also forthcoming.

It's testing time again, or spirng cleaning, reformatting hard disks, installing new operating systems, comparing, evaluating, deciding which is best, or at least which one is worth giving a try. The Dutch Slackware-based Nonux has also released a new version.

Meanwhile, Bill Gates is in Beijing acting like an idiot. Trying to promote his Vista-shit.

Sorry, Bill, too busy to listen to your nonsense... Testing Linux :-) Mandriva or Ubuntu or Fedora or Mint or Nonux, so many tasty ice cream flavors... Waiting for the next stable release of Elive...
"The Elive project has announced the release of Elive 0.6.7, the project's latest development build on the road to stable 0.7".

Iraq 2.0 U.S. edition will never be stable...

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