Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Safe haven for terrorists

The concept of 'terrorism' and 'terrorists' is meaningless. You have people fighting for a worthy cause and people fighting to exploit and oppress other people. Both fight with the arms they can get, and if they are passionate enough, will not leave any options of the table. If you make an omelet, eggs will be crushed. If you fight in conflicts, insurgencies and wars, innocents will die as 'collateral damage'. Terrorists are supposed to be those who deliberately target innocent civilians, while when the 'good guys' kill innocents, it's only because “stuff happens”.

If you only count the killed innocents, Bush sure as Hell is a bigger terrorist than Osama Bin Laden. The same Bush who said he would make no distinction between the 'terrorists' and the governments who harbor them and promptly sent his storm troopers to topple the Taliban government in Afghanistan and put his own puppet – Hamid Karzai – on the throne.

By that same logic it is now OK to topple the U.S. government, as Bush himself is harboring a notorious terrorist. In October 1976, Luis Posada Carriles blew up a Cuban airliner over the Caribbean, killing 73 people. Both Cuba and Venezuela are requesting his extradition. In fact, he was sentenced and jailed in Venezuela – that's before the Chavez era – before he disappeared and turned up in the U.S. The American government has the power to detain Posada Carriles indefinitely under the Patriot Act or to extradite him to Venezuela, where the bombed plane started its fateful flight. But because Carriles is anti-Castro, the U.S. is protecting him.

Hundreds of 'terrorists' are incarcerated at Guantanamo Bay, without having been charged or tried in a court of law, and a convicted criminal walks free in the streets of Miami. Either there are no 'terrorists' in this world or the U.S. government is harboring one (and probably many more). It's an easy vote: yes or no? (Granma: Posada and US on Public Trial in Cuba) (The Guardian: To fry the smallest fish)

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