Thursday, October 5, 2006

U.S. hypocrisy laid bare

Christopher Hill, the top U.S. negotiator at the six-party talks announced that “the U.S. will not accept a North Korea armed with nuclear weapons”.

Blatant disgusting hypocrisy! So what if North Korea will “not accept a United States armed with nuclear weapons”?

And Hill continued: “North Korea must choose either to have a future or to have nuclear weapons, but it cannot have them both.” So why would the U.S. have a future AND more than 11,000 nukes and North Korea no future and perhaps 6 to 10 nukes?

Maybe because Bush is claiming to speak in the name of God? Well, so does Iran’s president, but presumably not the same God. Which may prove there are at least two Gods, which is anathema to both Bush and Ahmadinejad. But of course, I almost forgot, Bush is the Devil! At least according to Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez. Maybe he forgot about Dick Cheney?

Pretty murky business. Let’s keep it simple. There is no God, but… No, no, no but!

A nuclear armed North Korea is unacceptable to the U.S.; Iran developing the peaceful use of nuclear energy is unacceptable to the U.S.; well, who has the right to decide what is acceptable or unacceptable in this world? 

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