Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Iraq: if you broke it, fix it!

Lord Blair of Kut al-Amara (as journalist Robert Fisk uses to call him) wants to open talks with Iran and Syria to find a solution for the Iraq mess. Bush and Blair ‘broke’ Iraq by their reckless and illegal invasion. Now it’s a bloody mess and they don’t know how to fix it.

The U.S. and its British dogs should get out of Iraq and let the Iraqi people and the peoples of the neighboring countries solve the problems on their own. They are certainly capable of doing that without foreign interference.

So Blair wants Iran and Syria to help. What makes him think that if those two countries would be so inclined, they would find a solution that would satisfy the American and British occupiers? Because of course that’s what Blair wants. Does he believe that the leaders of Iran and Iraq are fools? Perhaps they will indeed lend a helping hand to drag Iraq out of the mess, but the solution certainly won’t please Blair. 

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