Friday, November 3, 2006

Bush: a danger to peace

An opinion poll commissioned by The Guardian shows the British believe George W. Bush is a more dangerous man than the president of Iran (62% think he is a danger), the North Korean leader (69%) and the leader of Hizbullah (65%). Osama bin Laden tops the list with 87%. Only 10% of British voters think that Bush poses no danger at all. 71% of British voters say the invasion of Iraq was unjustified.

The British are supposed to be the Americans’ best allies. If 75% believe Bush is a danger to world peace, even a larger share of peoples in other countries will agree. His only true friends are American Christian fundamentalists and Israeli Zionists.

Meanwhile the U.S. government has shut down the “Operation Iraqi Freedom Document Portal” website because it offered info on how to build a atom bomb. Republicans hoped to use the site to find new evidence of the so-called dangers posed by former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein’s weapons program.

Great! Iran and North Korea face sanctions because of nuclear proliferation, while the U.S. government puts an atomic bomb ‘cook book’ online. The U.S. doesn’t care about nuclear proliferation because its has a tremendous superiority in nuclear weapons. It uses the topic to beat countries it doesn’t like. 

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