Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Still more obscene profits

Paying a 100,000 pounds for a rather boring story told in an hour or so may very well be obscene, but it is still not the height of obscenity. It may be a six-digit figure, but that is peanuts on the bank accounts of the real capitalist rich.

Occidental Petroleum's chairman and CEO Ray Irani earned more than 400,000,000 dollar (that's a 9-digit figure) in 2006. His salary and cash bonus was a mere 2.7 million, but stock options, undoubtedly offered at “favorable” prices, made up the rest. (Reuters: Occidental CEO got more than $400 million in 2006)

Now, this is truly obscene. Nobody, however clever, can make a difference of 400 million dollars in one year. He may be the successor to the legendary Armand Hammer, but still... Oracle CEO Larry Ellison did even better in 2001, earning USD706 million. At least Larry is fighting the Emperor of the Rich, His Excellency Microsh$t Bill Gates.

While recording losses of USD12.7 billion in 2006, Ford Motor paid its new CEO Alan Mulally USD28 million for a mere 4 months of work.

This only proves without a shred of doubt that...

... Marx was right. The rich are getting richer, and while the poor may marginally improve their incomes and living standards, the gap is widening ever more. In China and around the world. In the end, as Marx predicted, this will become unsustainable, the proletariats of the world will unite and overthrow their exploiters.

Communism has a bright future, but as Mao said, the road will be tortuous...

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