Saturday, April 28, 2007

Webb on anti-Americanism (II)

Still according to Webb of the BBC, people in the Middle East don't hate America for what it does, but “because they fear the universality of its message, the power of the idea of individual liberty, or religious liberty”. Now this is pure racism on the part of Webb, because he considers the peoples of the Middle East to be too stupid to value individualism and religious liberty. The individualism of the U.S. is the individualism of the exploiters. Ask the workers of the U.S. and the workers in the countries under U.S. domination how they enjoy their “individualism”?

As for religious liberty, try to say out loud in the U.S. that you are an atheist, that you don't believe in any God, the reaction won't be much different from the ones in Saudi Arabia or Iran. It is in Europe, and yes in France – so despised by Webb – that there is freedom of religion, the freedom to be free of religion – the opium of the people. What's the difference if you can't get a beer in Salt Lake City or Mecca? As far as religious “freedom” is concerned, the U.S. has no lessons to teach to Muslim countries. Feudalist practices of oppression of women for example will be done away with by the peoples of the countries where they still exist. They don't need any help from the American imperialists who are creating hundreds of widows daily in Iraq.

Even Webb finally has to confess that “American attitudes to social and sexual matters have much more in common with thinking in Damascus than Paris”.

Webb descend into the depths of stupidity when he writes that most of the people of the U.S. “genuinely believe they have earned the right to lead the world, though not to coerce it.” Yes, perhaps they believe it. But why would the U.S. have the right to lead the world and not the Mongols? And they are not only “leading” but definitely “coercing”, to put it mildly. Webb concludes that if other nations will be in charge, “our children will long to have the Yanks back”. Now that is ... bullshit.

Webb says “the US does not kill civilians as a matter of policy”. Ask in heaven or hell the 650,000 Iraqis killed as a result of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, based on lies manufactured by the neocons and only feebly opposed by the Democrats, so that the killings can go on unhindered. Sure, Shia are killing Sunni and Sunni are killing Shia, but under international law, the occupiers, that is the U.S. and its allies, are responsible for security under their occupation and therefore guilty of the killings. If they want to absolve themselves, they should leave Iraq immediately, although they will still be guilty of all the murders since March 2003.

According to Webb, peace campaigners should focus on the WMD held by other nations, not the U.S. This shows he wants to disarm all nations except the U.S., so that the U.S. could rule the world as the ultimate Empire of Evil. Webb missed his calling, or he should have been born a bit earlier. He could have been a great propaganda chief for Herr Adolf Hitler.

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