Monday, February 19, 2007

Ten years after Deng

Ten years ago, former Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping passed away. In December 1978, he made China change course. Again in February 1992 he pushed reform and opening up even further. The facts in figures are impressive, especially during the ten years since his death. GDP increased from USD4 trillion to USD10 trillion; exports rose from USD182 billion to USD953 billion and the number of city dwellers surged from 370 million to 550 million.

Deng brought China prosperity for some (those who got rich) and hopes of progress for the majority, including the migrants toiling away in sweatshops. But income inequality has risen to record proportions. Although the current Chinese leaders are aware of it and trying to do something about it by pursuing social-democrat policies, the run-away capitalist development of China makes it very difficult to get results.

And finally, Deng's policy and its effects ten years after his death proved Mao right. Deng Xiaoping was indeed a capitalist-roader hidden in the Chinese Communist Party. There can be no doubt about that. Yes, he put China on course to become a world power. For now, China is competing in a peaceful way. The PLA does not occupy even one square meter of foreign territory and has no bases in foreign countries. But if China develops further in a capitalist way, it will inevitably reach the highest stage of capitalism: imperialism. It is too early to write the definitive story on Deng's legacy.

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