Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Reaching the bottom

George W. Bush has finally reached his destination. He can sink no lower. Many have said it before: Bush is the worst president in U.S. history. The latest addition to the growing chorus is Al Neuharth, the founder of USA Today. (USA Today: Mea culpa to Bush on Presidents Day).

A year ago he doubted that Bush would ever make the top of his “worst presidents' list”, or put in another way, the bottom, the worst ever president of the U.S. of A. If not impeached, Bush still has two years to go and he already reached the bottom. On Presidents Day (yesterday, February 19 in the U.S.), Neuharth published a mea culpa for his declaration a year ago.

“Is he just a self-touted decider doing what he thinks right? Or is he an arrogant ruler who doesn't care or consider what the public or Congress believes best for the country?”, Neuharth asks himself.

Another bad president, Richard Nixon, resigned. Bush just sticks to the bottom.

Meanwhile, senate majority leader Harry Reid declared that the Iraq war was “the worst foreign policy mistake” in U.S. history. Now was it? It's tempting to say so, just to further rub salt in Bush's combat wounds. Still, it ain't so. First of all, let's not talk about “mistakes”. The invasion of Iraq was not a “mistake” but a war crime and a crime against humanity.

The biggest crime of the U.S. was its founding, in the process practically eradicating the native Indians. That surely counts as genocide. Second the dropping of atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. Third, the U.S. war on Communism, starting with the arming of Chiang Kai-shek, the invasion of Korea and including the Vietnam War. Fourth, its support for the Zionist regime in Israel. Its coming aggression against Iran should rank somewhere in between. And sixth, sure, the Iraq war.

Another example of a wrong question is whether prince Harry should “serve” in Iraq. Well of course he should, just like everybody else, is the first answer that comes to mind. Wrong! He is not “serving” anything at all, least of all his country. Second, if he goes, he will be committing a war crime. It's wrong to advocate the committing of war crimes. No, Harry should not “serve”. British troops should get out of Iraq.

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