Monday, February 5, 2007

The U.S. top non-diplomat

Up to now, Neocon top fashion girl Condi Rice could hide behind the worst Neocons on the block. She kept herself out of the blowing wind. Commander-in-Chief Bush will take the blame and re-confirm he had been right all along. No more. Dick Cheney could swipe away critical questions with a “hogwash”. No more. Rumsfeld? He's gone... While there are those who have gone and we know where they have gone, there are also those who have gone but it's unclear where they have gone and there are also those who should have gone but are still going.

See, anybody can compose a shitty Rumsfeldian ditty. Well, he's gone too. The spotlight is now on the top Miss. (The New York Times: With Rumsfeld Gone, Critics of War Look to Rice).

The bottom line is: America's top diplomat is not doing any diplomacy. Even the old croc Henry Kissinger is slowly becoming exasperated. America should always be ready to negotiate with Iran and Syria, he uttered. Anybody seen Condi in Damascus or Tehran lately?

America's diplomats of old, Warren Christopher, James Baker, Madeleine Albright, even Colin Powell, were globe trotting all over the world, talking to America's friends, but also to its enemies. Defending the interests of the Empire. Condi is sitting on her pretty ass, doing nothing. Not even defending the interests of the Empire. Apart from her hairdo and fashion clothes, nobody is much interested in Condi.

Even Republican representatives and senators are getting nervous about her lack of diplomatic action. She's finished. One more Neocon going to be gone where many have gone before. Here comes the President of the United States of America... Condoleezza Rice (Draft Condi Rice!). Going, gone...

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