Saturday, December 16, 2006

Dump this U.S. lackey!

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has called for early Palestinian parliamentary and presidential elections (Aljazeera: Abbas calls for early polls). He was elected in early 2005 and the Hamas government was elected in January this year. This 'cohabitation à la Française' didn't work. Fatah and Hamas have fundamentally different policies for attaining Palestinian statehood: two states or one state.

The Hamas government was democratically elected, but because it doesn't recognize the Zionist state of Israel the U.S. didn't like the result of the democratic process and supports a strongman who wants to sell out the rights of the Palestinian people. Abbas has no right to call early elections but instructed by his masters in Washington he is doing so to try to topple Hamas.

If elections take place, the outcome may be completely different: a Hamas president and a Hamas government. This will mean the end for the corrupt Fatah clique. Whether it tried to kill Prime Minister Ismail Haniya remains a mystery, but it might turn out to be the case.

The U.S. wants to break at all costs a strong Palestinian resistance against Israel. Condoleezza Rice is asking Congress for tens of millions of dollars to strengthen Abbas to ensure he emerges victorious. Washington is giving Abbas a poisoned pill as strong as polonium-210.

The Palestinians will know for whom to vote to safeguard their rights. 

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