Well, no, not all of them, but still a sizable proportion. A CNN opinion poll shows support for President Bush's management of the Iraq war has dropped to an all-time low of 28% (CNN: Poll: Approval for Iraq handling drops to new low).
The all-time low is great news, but it also means that 28% of Americans, more than a quarter of the population, are fundamentally stupid or worse, criminally insane. 6% said the strategy should remain the same, 'stay the course, guys'. How many Vietnams are needed before they will ever learn?
After all that happened in that once beautiful country of Babylon at the confluence of the Euphrates and the Tigris, how could anyone still support Bush's 'management' of the Iraq war? After reading the report of the 'bipartisan' Iraq Study Group, headed by Uncle Baker of the Bush family? Unless they are racist, war-mongering criminals who should be brought to justice?
Still, more than a quarter of all Americans support 'Bush in Babylon' (read the interesting book by Tariq Ali). 48% said victory was still possible in Iraq. Surely not an American victory? Is the U.S. winning in Iraq?
- George W. Bush: “Absolutely, we're winning”.
- Robert Gates: “No, sir”.
Bush is not going to be 'rushed into a decision' about what to do next in Iraq. Let some more Iraqis (and American soldiers) die while the war-criminal-in-chief makes up his mind...
Exit Rumsfeld, enter Bill Gates (oops, erh, I mean Bob Gates). (CNN: Gates: Failure in Iraq would 'haunt' U.S). “Failure in Iraq would endanger Americans for decades to come," he rambled when taking the oath as Secretary of Defense. Failure for sure, and Americans have only themselves to blame for allowing George W. to become president. In the final analysis though, it's about more than a lone Texas cowboy. It's about imperialism dropping a stone on its own foot. As, according to the Law of Imperialism, it is bound to do. Binding its own feet,... with Chinese characteristics.
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