Wednesday, January 10, 2007

"I cannot tell you much"

Belgium, thanks to its monarchy, is once again the laughing stock of the world. (CNN: Belgium turns critical eye to monarchy and The Independent: 'Playboy prince' testifies at £1.4m fraud trial) The youngest son of the King, His Royal Lowness Prince Laurent, received from the government a villa in the suburbs of Brussels in order not to have to seek refuge under an overpass. The villa is owned by a sort of Royal Fund, so Laurent of Belgium (that's the guy's name) doesn't own it, but, being rather bare, it still had to be furnished.

Now, of course, a guy with blue blood running through his veins is too stupid to be able to do what everybody and his dog has to do, which is to furnish his own home. His obliging father ordered a Navy officer to assist his son to furnish his lowly hovel. You should know that a special non-governmental organization was especially created to give the chairmanship to the Prince so a salary for doing nothing could be transferred to his bank account and in the meantime he also gets a royal yearly stipend thanks to the Belgian taxpayers.

Laurent's villa is duly furnished, HRL himself choosing the carpets and the draperies. Paid by whom? Who cares? His navy captain lackey is taking care. To make a long story short: Laurent in court as a witness to a case of theft, corruption and embezzlement. Duration of his testimony: 16 minutes. Highlight answering a question of the presiding judge: “I cannot tell you much”. Never for one minute did he wonder where the money to furnish his humble hovel was coming from.

Our southern neighbors the French got rid of their monarchy at the end of the 17-hundreds. When will Belgium get rid of this plague?

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