Sunday, January 14, 2007

Deranged Wall Street 'logic'

The opinion page in The Wall Street Journal is scaling ever more higher heights in deranged war mongering, which would have made Goebbels blush about his own incompetency. Read this lunatic article (The Wall Street Journal: Squeezing Iran) and try not to retch...

Of course the writer is hiding behind the face of anonymity to hide the fact that he's no doubt a despicable Ziocon paid by the Zionist lobby to frantically push the U.S. to launch a war of aggression against Iran and slaughter a million or more innocent Iranians to protect the Nazi Führers in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

“Iran is supporting Shiite radicals in Iraq and President Bush finally suggested he'll do something about it.” “It's about time [...] showing Tehran that it will pay a price for continued subversion in Iraq”, writes Mr. Anonymous.

Meddling in another country's affairs is wrong. About the only country which is consistently not doing so is China – unless it involves Taiwan, but China rightly considers this to be his own affairs, not somebody else's.

But if – for the sake of argument – some country would have the 'right' to meddle in Iraq's affairs, would it not be Iran, which has suffered in an 8-year devastating war, rather than the U.S., thousands of kilometers across an ocean?

“Consider the problem of Iranian-manufactured improvised explosive devices (IED)”, laments the Wall Street Journal. Well now, what about the problem of American bombers dropping the Mother of All Bombs (MOAB)? Which one is claiming more innocent victims, IEDs or MOABs? Why would the U.S. have the 'right' to send its stormtroopers into Iraq, while Iran would not have the 'right' to send its Revolutionary Guards Corps? Because the U.S. is defending 'freedom'? The 'freedom' of the oil companies to plunder Iraq's reserves? The 'freedom' of the Zionists to destroy the Muslims?

Raids into Iran and Syria would be 'justified' to save American lives, according to the Wall Street Journal. Very well then, why would Iran and Syria not be 'justified' to stage raids against the Pentagon to save Iraqi, Iranian and Syrian lives? Because in the eyes of the Ziocon übermenschen they are worth nothing...

The opinion pieces in the Wall Street Journal are utterly despicable, the paper they are printed on only worth to be used in the toilet, the bits carrying them along the digital highway soiling the fiber-optic cables with stinking shit.

So this is America's freedom of the press... The freedom to preach a war of aggression, war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity.

“One failure of Mr. Bush's war leadership has been to clearly define the enemy in Iraq”, concludes the Journal. The peoples of the world will make no such mistake. They know who there enemy is: American imperialism.

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