Sunday, January 28, 2007

Shame on CNN!

One of the top stories today is – or at least should be – the anti-war protests in Washington.

MSNBC: War protesters demand U.S. troop withdrawal
ABC: Crowds on Both Coasts Protest Iraq War
CBS News: Protesters Feel "Obligation" To Stop War
France 24: Mobilisation massive contre la guerre en Irak
Aljazeera: Washington rally urges end to war
Washington Post: Tens of Thousands Rally Against Bush Policy

On the above mentioned web sites, the protests were among the top stories. So what about CNN? Nothing, absolutely nothing! Except, buried under the U.S. section, as yesterday's story, 'Stars, vets kick off protest' is an updated 'Fonda, Sarandon among Iraq war protesters'. Not the major story, nor one of the 14 on the right of the CNN website. Buried under U.S. news. Buried under an outdated heading. Barely worth mentioning. (Web sites accessed around 9 p.m. on January 28 Beijing time)

Obviously, CNN doesn't want to cause further embarrassment to the Decider-in-Chief... They are joining Fox News. From now on we'll have to look elsewhere for our 'Breaking News' and 'Developing Stories'.

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